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contoh kalimat anggota gereja

"anggota gereja" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And the family, they're not members of the Church.
    Dan keluarganya, mereka bukan anggota Gereja.
  • They were all members of Good Faith church here.
    Mereka semua anggota gereja Good Faith di sini.
  • He was a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
    Ia adalah anggota Gereja Ortodoks Ethiopia.
  • These account for a few percent of church members.
    Jemaat sukarela mencakup beberapa persen dari anggota gereja.
  • We believe the suspect is a member of your church.
    Kami yakin bahwa tersangka adalah anggota gereja anda.
  • Members of the Church of Satan adorn themselves with the symbol.
    Anggota Gereja Setan menghiasi diri dengan simbol.
  • Maybe other members of the church found out.
    Mungkin anggota gereja yang lain tahu.
  • Everyone who worked there was a member of the church.
    Semua orang yang bekerja di sana adalah anggota gereja.
  • Approximately 2% of the church's members regularly attend Sunday services.
    Kira-kira 2% dari anggota gereja teratur menghadiri kebaktian hari Minggu.
  • Did she attend a Pentecostal church where they speak in tongues?
    Apa dia anggota gereja pantekosta, dimana anggotanya menggunakan bahasa lidah?
  • Half the cemeteries in this parish are full of that kind of shit.
    Setengah pemakaman anggota gereja penuh benda sampah itu.
  • Were they members Of the church?
    Apakah mereka anggota Gereja?
  • After about a year of pastoring, my membership went up about 20 members.
    Setelah setahun menjadi pendeta, anggota gereja saya bertambah menjadi 20.
  • Members may renounce their membership and later return if they wish.
    Anggota gereja dapat meninggalkan keanggotaan mereka dan kemudian kembali jika mereka ingin.
  • The diocese has the highest ratio of church members in Denmark, about 85%.
    Keuskupan tersebut memiliki ratio anggota gereja tertinggi di Denmark, sekitar 85%.
  • As of June 30, 2017, baptised church membership stands at 60,478.
    Pada tanggal 30 September 2013, anggota Gereja Advent yang dibaptis berjumlah 18.028.769 orang.
  • Internet Ministries - How does one become a member of the church of Christ?
    Internet Ministries - Bagaimana seseorang menjadi anggota gereja Kristus?
  • He's a member of the church, but I don't know where he is right now.
    Dia anggota gereja, tapi aku tidak tahu di mana dia sekarang.
  • As of 2009, of the 4.4 million citizens 38,918 are member of the Catholic Church.
    Pada 2009, dari 4.4 juta warga, 38,918 adalah anggota Gereja Katolik.
  • As of 2001, of the 8.2 million citizen 9,237 are member of the Catholic Church.
    Pada 2001, dari 8.2 juta warga, 9,237 adalah anggota Gereja Katolik.
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